FAQs Apa format file terbaik untuk file logo saya?

The most suitable filetype depends on the branding technique used on the product. Please refer to the table below. If you are not sure if your logo file(s) are suitable just email them to us and we will be happy to help.
Branding Technique
(refer to product)
Vector File
(.eps, .ai, .cdr)
Raster type file
(.jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tiff)


Menunjukan produk dapat diberi merek menggunakan teknik yang disebut 'Sablon', metode paling mapan untuk mencetak ke objek. Harga kami sudah termasuk sablon hingga 4 warna di semua area cetak. Artwork logo untuk sablon harus disediakan dalam format .eps, ai, atau cdr.Font harus di Convert ke garis dan semua warna 'solid' bukan dalam tone atau shade.

Preferred Hi-resolution ok (low resolution not suitable)

Digital Printing

Menunjukkan produk yang dapat dicap dalam warna penuh. Logo Artwork harus beresolusi tinggi dan 300dpi. Anda dapat mengunggah file dalam format .png, .jpeg, atau gif.File gambar beresolusi rendah yang diambil dari situs web tidak akan memberikan hasil yang baik. Harga kami sudah termasuk pencetakan full color pada semua area cetak yang tertera pada deskripsi produk.

Acceptable Preferred if > 300 DPI
Often acceptable if 150 DPI
Low resolution image not suitable

Ukiran Laser

Menunjukkan produk yang dapat diukir dengan laser. Ukiran laser memberikan efek stylish yang sangat profesional. Harga kami sudah termasuk ukiran disemua area branding yang ditunjukkan pada deskripsi produk. Artwork logo untuk produk dengan ukiran harus diunggah dalam format .eps, .ai, dan .cdr. Font harus di convert ke garis dan semua warna 'padat' bukan dalam tones atau shade.

Preferred Hi-resolution ok (low resolution not suitable)

Vector files:

Flashbay accepts: .ai .cdr .eps .ps .pdf*

Flashbay doesn't accept: .cgm, .dxf, .emf, .fh, .fla, .igs, .myv, .pbm, .psp*, .px*, .svg, .svgz, .swf, .wmf, .xar

* These file types can also contain raster/bitmap elements which whose resolution may be unsuitable for achieving a good branding result. PDF files created from vector files must retain the editing capabilities of the program that was used to create them (e.g. Illustrator or Freehand). PDF files that contain raster elements must generally be at least 300DPI.

Vector files must be saved in the Postscript Format and contain no Postscript errors, stray points or colours assigned inconsistently. All type that has been set must be converted to outlines (curves).

What are vector files?

They are artwork files that store information about the shapes and lines constituting the image in a mathematical format. They can be scaled easily without producing the 'stair-step' edges you will see in pixel-based (raster) images. They adapt to the resolution of any output device and are considered to be resolution independent. They are produced by programs like Adobe Illustrator®, Macromedia FreeHand® and CorelDRAW®.

Raster files:

Flashbay accepts: .bmp .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .gif, .png, .tiff, .tif

Flashbay doesn't accept: .adrg, .adri, .agp, .art, .cin, .fpxc, .exra, .drg., .cpt, .cpi, .fpx, .jpg2, .jp2, .pbm, .pcx, .ppm, .sgi, .rgb, .rgba, .int, .inta, .bw, .tga, .xbm, .xcf, .xpm

What are raster files?

They are image files that are defined by a checkerboard pattern, similar to viewing mosaic tiles. Raster images are limited by the number of pixels and cannot be enlarged without producing noticeably jagged, 'stair-stepped' edges. They are produced by digital cameras, scanners, and can also be created by programs like Adobe PhotoShop and CorelPHOTO-PAINT (among others). Magnification of raster files can never increase their resolution.
USB Flash Drive Logo
Resolution of raster/bitmap file never improves on magnification
USB Flash Drive Logo
Vector file resolution independent, infinite quality at any size.